Rate distribution and promotion of our client airline’s services through face-to-face and telephone sales to the local freight forwarding communities. Targeted sales activities including but not limited to using IATA CASS statistics and historical data mined from our bespoke cargo management software. Announcements and service updates. Email campaigns to the local freight forwarding community using specialized email marketing software that enables us to track the recipients interest.
Sales & Marketing
Total Management
Services available up to a full ‘turnkey’ operation… Accounting, Air Waybill Distribution & Stock Provision, Bad Debt Liability IATA CASS Invoicing, Import Supervision, Marketing & Management, Information / Market Intelligence, Negotiation and/or implementation of Handling Agency agreements, Negotiation and/or implementation of Interline agreements, Operations Ramp Supervision, Reservations, Revenue Accounting / Reporting, Sales & Publicity, Trucking & RFS
Ramp Supervision
Aerologistix’ Ramp Officers are experienced and certified Loading Supervisors and Loadplanners, certified and qualified also as to International and National Security and Safety Standards to supervise every piece of freight that is loaded or unloaded from our client’s aircraft. We are specialized in the handling of DGR, PER, AVI, Offsize etc. The presence of our Ramp Officer is proven to ensure that each flight is loaded to it’s maximum profitability by supervising the pallet build. Aerologistix provides “hands on” liaison with ground handling agents, authorities, fuel farms etc to ensure a smooth operation and turn around of your flight. We give customers the peace of mind, that their cargo, their aircraft and crew is looked after at all times.